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Top-level package for Setu UPI DeepLinks SDK.


Auth module.

generate_jwt_token(scheme_id, secret)

Generate a JWT token.


Name Type Description Default
scheme_id str


secret str




Type Description


Source code in setu/
def generate_jwt_token(scheme_id: str, secret: str) -> str:
    """Generate a JWT token.

        scheme_id (str): _description_
        secret (str): _description_

        str: _description_
    payload = {
        "aud": scheme_id,
        "iat": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
        "jti": str(uuid.uuid1()),

    return "Bearer {}".format(jwt.encode(payload, secret, algorithm="HS256"))

generate_oauth_token(client_id, secret, mode='SANDBOX')

Generate an OAuth token.


Name Type Description Default
client_id str


secret str


mode Mode

description. Defaults to "SANDBOX".



Type Description


Source code in setu/
def generate_oauth_token(
    client_id: str,
    secret: str,
    mode: Mode = "SANDBOX",
) -> str:
    """Generate an OAuth token.

        client_id (str): _description_
        secret (str): _description_
        mode (Mode, optional): _description_. Defaults to "SANDBOX".

        str: _description_
    payload = {
        "clientID": client_id,
        "secret": secret,
    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
    response =
        get_url_path(API.FETCH_TOKEN, AUTH_TYPE_OAUTH, mode),

    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.json()
        return "Bearer {}".format(data["data"]["token"])


Body builder helper module.


Get the payload for Initiate Batch Refund API.

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def get_batch_refund_body(**kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Get the payload for Initiate Batch Refund API."""
    payload = {
        "refunds": [
                "seqNo": i,
                "identifier": refund.identifier,
                "identifierType": refund.identifierType,
                "refundType": refund.refundType,
                "refundAmount": refund.refundAmount,
                "deductions": [
                        "account": {"id": deduction.account_number, "ifsc": deduction.account_ifsc},
                        "split": {"value": deduction.amount_value, "unit": "INR"},
                    for deduction in (refund.deductions if refund.deductions is not None else [])
            for i, refund in enumerate(cast(List[RefundRequestItem], kwargs['refunds']))

    return payload

Get the payload for Create Payment Link API.

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def get_create_payment_link_body(**kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Get the payload for Create Payment Link API."""
    payload: Dict[str, Any] = {
        "amount": {"currencyCode": "INR", "value": kwargs['amount_value']},
        "amountExactness": kwargs['amount_exactness'],
        "billerBillID": kwargs['biller_bill_id'],

    if kwargs['payee_name'] is not None:
        payload.update({"name": kwargs['payee_name']})

    if kwargs['transaction_note'] is not None:
        payload.update({"transactionNote": kwargs['transaction_note']})

    if kwargs['expiry_date'] is not None:
        expiry_date_str = kwargs['expiry_date'].replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + "Z"
        payload.update({"expiryDate": expiry_date_str})

    if kwargs['settlement'] is not None:
                "settlement": {
                    "parts": [
                            "account": {
                                "id": part.account_number,
                                "ifsc": part.account_ifsc,
                            "split": {
                                "unit": "INR",
                                "value": part.amount_value,
                        for part in kwargs['settlement'].parts
                    "primaryAccount": {
                        "id": kwargs['settlement'].primary_account.account_number,
                        "ifsc": kwargs['settlement'].primary_account.account_ifsc,

    if kwargs['validation_rules'] is not None:
        vr: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        if kwargs['validation_rules'].amount_validation is not None:
                    "amount": {
                        "maximum": kwargs['validation_rules'].amount_validation.maximum,
                        "minimum": kwargs['validation_rules'].amount_validation.minimum,
        if kwargs['validation_rules'].source_accounts is not None:
                    "sourceAccounts": [
                        {"number": source_account.account_number, "ifsc": source_account.account_ifsc}
                        for source_account in kwargs['validation_rules'].source_accounts
        payload.update({"validationRules": vr})

    if kwargs['additional_info'] is not None:
        payload.update({"additionalInfo": kwargs['additional_info']})

    if kwargs['campaign_id'] is not None:
        payload.update({"campaignID": kwargs['campaign_id']})

    return payload


Get the payload for Mock Credit API.

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def get_mock_credit_body(**kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Get the payload for Mock Credit API."""
    payload = {
        "amount": kwargs['amount_value'],
        "type": "UPI",
        "sourceAccount": {"accountID": "customer@vpa"},
        "destinationAccount": {"accountID": kwargs['upi_id']},
        "transactionReference": kwargs["platform_bill_id"],

    return payload


Get the payload for Mock Settlement API.

Source code in setu/
def get_mock_settlement_body(**kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Get the payload for Mock Settlement API."""
    transactions = [{"utr": utr} for utr in kwargs['utrs']]
    payload = {"transactions": transactions}

    return payload


Contract module.

API (Enum)

Enum containing all the API paths supported by SDK.

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class API(Enum):
    """Enum containing all the API paths supported by SDK."""

    FETCH_TOKEN = "/auth/token"
    PAYMENT_LINK_BASE = "/payment-links"
    TRIGGER_MOCK_PAYMENT = "/triggers/funds/addCredit"
    TRIGGER_MOCK_SETTLEMENT = "/triggers/funds/mockSettlement"
    EXPIRE_BILL = "/utilities/bills/{}/expire"
    REPORTS_BASE = "/reports"
    REFUNDS_BASE = "/refund"

APICredentials (tuple)

API Credential information.

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class APICredentials(NamedTuple):
    """API Credential information."""

    scheme_id: str
    secret: str

__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in setu/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

__new__(_cls, scheme_id, secret) special staticmethod

Create new instance of APICredentials(scheme_id, secret)

__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

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def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self

Account dataclass

Bank account information.

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class Account:
    """Bank account information."""

    account_number: str
    account_ifsc: str

Amount dataclass

Amount information.

Source code in setu/
class Amount:
    """Amount information."""

    currency_code: str
    value: int

AmountValidationRule dataclass

Amount validation rules, needed when amount_exactness is RANGE.

Source code in setu/
class AmountValidationRule:
    """Amount validation rules, needed when amount_exactness is `RANGE`."""

    minimum: int
    maximum: int

CreatePaymentLinkResponseData dataclass

Response from Create Payment Link API.

Source code in setu/
class CreatePaymentLinkResponseData:
    """Response from Create Payment Link API."""

    name: str
    payment_link: PaymentLink
    platform_bill_id: str
    campaign_id: Optional[str] = None

Deduction dataclass

Deduction detail.

Source code in setu/
class Deduction:
    """Deduction detail."""

    account: Account
    split: Amount

InitiateBatchRefundResponse dataclass

Initiate Batch Refund Response.

Source code in setu/
class InitiateBatchRefundResponse:
    """Initiate Batch Refund Response."""

    batch_id: str
    refunds: List[Union[RefundResponseItem, SetuErrorResponseData]]

MockCreditResponseData dataclass

Mock Credit response.

Source code in setu/
class MockCreditResponseData:
    """Mock Credit response."""

    utr: str

Payment Link information.

Source code in setu/
class PaymentLink:
    """Payment Link information."""

    upi_id: str
    upi_link: str
    short_url: Optional[str] = None

PaymentLinkStatusResponseData dataclass

Response from Payment Link Status API.

Source code in setu/
class PaymentLinkStatusResponseData:
    """Response from Payment Link Status API."""

    created_at: datetime
    expires_at: datetime
    name: str
    payment_link: PaymentLink
    platform_bill_id: str
    biller_bill_id: str
    status: str
    transaction_note: str
    campaign_id: Optional[str] = None
    payer_vpa: Optional[str] = None
    receipt: Optional[Receipt] = None
    amount_paid: Optional[int] = None
    additional_info: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None

Receipt dataclass

Payment receipt information.

Source code in setu/
class Receipt:
    """Payment receipt information."""

    date: datetime
    id: str

RefundRequestItem dataclass

Refund request item.

Source code in setu/
class RefundRequestItem:
    """Refund request item."""

    identifier: str
    identifierType: str
    refundType: str
    refundAmount: Optional[int] = None
    deductions: Optional[List[SplitAccount]] = None

RefundResponseItem dataclass

Refund response item.

Source code in setu/
class RefundResponseItem:
    """Refund response item."""

    id: str
    bill_id: str
    transaction_ref_id: str
    amount: Amount
    type: str
    status: str
    created_at: datetime
    deductions: Optional[List[Deduction]] = None
    initiated_at: Optional[datetime] = None

RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse dataclass

Refund Status By Identifier Response.

Source code in setu/
class RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse:
    """Refund Status By Identifier Response."""

    refunds: List[RefundResponseItem]

SettlementSplits dataclass

Settlement split instruction for bill.

Source code in setu/
class SettlementSplits:
    """Settlement split instruction for bill."""

    parts: List[SplitAccount]
    primary_account: Account

SetuAPIException (Exception) dataclass

Setu exception class.

Source code in setu/
class SetuAPIException(Exception):
    """Setu exception class."""

    error: SetuErrorResponseData

SetuErrorResponseData dataclass

Setu error response data.

Source code in setu/
class SetuErrorResponseData:
    """Setu error response data."""

    code: str
    detail: str
    title: str
    doc_url: Optional[str] = None
    errors: Optional[List[Any]] = None
    trace_id: Optional[str] = None

SetuResponseBase dataclass

Setu base response.

Source code in setu/
class SetuResponseBase:
    """Setu base response."""

    success: bool
    status: int

SplitAccount (Account) dataclass

Individual settlement split instruction.

Source code in setu/
class SplitAccount(Account):
    """Individual settlement split instruction."""

    amount_value: int

ValidationRules dataclass

Validation rules for bill.

Source code in setu/
class ValidationRules:
    """Validation rules for bill."""

    amount_validation: Optional[AmountValidationRule] = None
    source_accounts: Optional[List[Account]] = None

Main module.

The Deeplink class.

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class Deeplink:
    """The Deeplink class."""

    def __init__(
        scheme_id: str,
        secret: str,
        product_instance_id: str,
        auth_type: AuthType = "JWT",
        mode: Mode = "SANDBOX",
        """Constructor for the Deeplink class.

            scheme_id (str): _description_
            secret (str): _description_
            product_instance_id (str): _description_
            auth_type (Literal["JWT", "OAUTH"], optional): _description_. Defaults to "JWT".
            mode (Literal["SANDBOX", "PRODUCTION"], optional): _description_. Defaults to "SANDBOX".
        self.scheme_id = scheme_id
        self.secret = secret
        self.mode = mode
        self.auth_type = auth_type

        self.headers = {
            "X-Setu-Product-Instance-ID": product_instance_id,
            "Content-Type": "application/json",

        self.session = requests.Session()
        self.session.hooks = {"response": lambda r, *args, **kwargs: self.exception_handler(r)}

    def regenerate_token(self):
        """Re-generate token."""
        if self.auth_type == AUTH_TYPE_JWT:
            authorization = generate_jwt_token(self.scheme_id, self.secret)
            authorization = generate_oauth_token(self.scheme_id, self.secret, self.mode)
        self.headers["Authorization"] = authorization

    def exception_handler(r: Response):
        """Exception handler."""
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            if isinstance(e, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) and r.reason == "Forbidden":
                raise e
                error_response_schema = SetuErrorResponseSchema()
                raise SetuAPIException(error_response_schema.load(r.json()))

    class Decorators:

        def auth_handler(decorated: Callable):
            """Refresh token."""

            def wrapper(deeplink, *args, **kwargs):
                    if deeplink.auth_type == AUTH_TYPE_JWT:
                    return decorated(deeplink, *args, **kwargs)
                except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
                    return decorated(deeplink, *args, **kwargs)

            return wrapper

    def create_payment_link(
        amount_value: int,
        biller_bill_id: str,
        amount_exactness: str,
        payee_name: str = None,
        transaction_note: str = None,
        expiry_date: datetime = None,
        settlement: SettlementSplits = None,
        validation_rules: ValidationRules = None,
        campaign_id: str = None,
        additional_info: Dict[str, str] = None,
    ) -> CreatePaymentLinkResponseData:
        """Generate UPI payment link."""
        payload: Dict[str, Any] = get_create_payment_link_body(

        api_response =
            get_url_path(API.PAYMENT_LINK_BASE, self.auth_type, self.mode),
        create_payment_link_response_data_schema = CreatePaymentLinkResponseDataSchema()
        return create_payment_link_response_data_schema.load(api_response.json()['data'])

    def check_payment_status(self, platform_bill_id: str) -> PaymentLinkStatusResponseData:
        """Check status of UPI payment link."""
        api_response = self.session.get(
                get_url_path(API.PAYMENT_LINK_BASE, self.auth_type, self.mode),
        payment_link_status_response_data_schema = PaymentLinkStatusResponseDataSchema()
        return payment_link_status_response_data_schema.load(api_response.json()['data'])

    def trigger_mock_payment(self, amount_value: float, upi_id: str, platform_bill_id: str) -> MockCreditResponseData:
        """Trigger mock payment for UPI payment link.

        This API is available only on SANDBOX mode.
        if self.mode == MODE_PRODUCTION:
            raise Exception("trigger_mock_payment METHOD IS IS NOT AVAILABLE IN PRODUCTION")

        payload: Dict[str, Any] = get_mock_credit_body(
            amount_value=amount_value, upi_id=upi_id, platform_bill_id=platform_bill_id

        api_response =
            get_url_path(API.TRIGGER_MOCK_PAYMENT, self.auth_type, self.mode),
        mock_credit_response_data_schema = MockCreditResponseDataSchema()
        return mock_credit_response_data_schema.load(api_response.json()['data'])

    def expire_payment_link(self, platform_bill_id: str):
        """Expire payment link."""
            get_url_path(API.EXPIRE_BILL, self.auth_type, self.mode).format(platform_bill_id),

    def trigger_mock_settlement(self, utrs: List[str]):
        """Trigger mock settlement."""
        payload: Dict[str, Any] = get_mock_settlement_body(utrs=utrs)
            get_url_path(API.TRIGGER_MOCK_SETTLEMENT, self.auth_type, self.mode),

    def initiate_batch_refund(
        refunds: List[RefundRequestItem],
    ) -> InitiateBatchRefundResponse:
        """Initiate batch refund."""
        payload: Dict[str, Any] = get_batch_refund_body(refunds=refunds)

        api_response =
            "{}/batch".format(get_url_path(API.REFUNDS_BASE, self.auth_type, self.mode)),
        initiate_batch_refund_response_data_schema = InitiateBatchRefundResponseDataSchema()
        return initiate_batch_refund_response_data_schema.load(api_response.json()['data'])

    @deprecated(version="1.2.0", reason="Use the more generic get_refund_status_by_identifier method instead")
    def get_batch_refund_status(self, batch_refund_id: str) -> RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse:
        """Get batch refund status."""
        api_response = self.session.get(
            "{}/batch/{}".format(get_url_path(API.REFUNDS_BASE, self.auth_type, self.mode), batch_refund_id),
        batch_refund_status_response_schema = RefundStatusByIdentifierResponseSchema()
        return batch_refund_status_response_schema.load(api_response.json()['data'])

    def get_refund_status_by_identifier(
        self, identifier_type: RefundStatusIdentifierType, identifier_value: str
    ) -> RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse:
        """Get batch refund status."""
        api_response = self.session.get(
                get_url_path(API.REFUNDS_BASE, self.auth_type, self.mode), identifier_type, identifier_value
        batch_refund_status_response_schema = RefundStatusByIdentifierResponseSchema()
        return batch_refund_status_response_schema.load(api_response.json()['data'])

    def get_refund_status(self, refund_id: str) -> RefundResponseItem:
        """Get individual refund status."""
        api_response = self.session.get(
            "{}/{}".format(get_url_path(API.REFUNDS_BASE, self.auth_type, self.mode), refund_id),
        refund_response_item_schema = RefundResponseItemSchema()
        return refund_response_item_schema.load(api_response.json()['data'])



Source code in setu/
class Decorators:

    def auth_handler(decorated: Callable):
        """Refresh token."""

        def wrapper(deeplink, *args, **kwargs):
                if deeplink.auth_type == AUTH_TYPE_JWT:
                return decorated(deeplink, *args, **kwargs)
            except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
                return decorated(deeplink, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper
auth_handler(decorated) staticmethod

Refresh token.

Source code in setu/
def auth_handler(decorated: Callable):
    """Refresh token."""

    def wrapper(deeplink, *args, **kwargs):
            if deeplink.auth_type == AUTH_TYPE_JWT:
            return decorated(deeplink, *args, **kwargs)
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
            return decorated(deeplink, *args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

__init__(self, scheme_id, secret, product_instance_id, auth_type='JWT', mode='SANDBOX') special

Constructor for the Deeplink class.


Name Type Description Default
scheme_id str


secret str


product_instance_id str


auth_type Literal["JWT", "OAUTH"]

description. Defaults to "JWT".

mode Literal["SANDBOX", "PRODUCTION"]

description. Defaults to "SANDBOX".

Source code in setu/
def __init__(
    scheme_id: str,
    secret: str,
    product_instance_id: str,
    auth_type: AuthType = "JWT",
    mode: Mode = "SANDBOX",
    """Constructor for the Deeplink class.

        scheme_id (str): _description_
        secret (str): _description_
        product_instance_id (str): _description_
        auth_type (Literal["JWT", "OAUTH"], optional): _description_. Defaults to "JWT".
        mode (Literal["SANDBOX", "PRODUCTION"], optional): _description_. Defaults to "SANDBOX".
    self.scheme_id = scheme_id
    self.secret = secret
    self.mode = mode
    self.auth_type = auth_type

    self.headers = {
        "X-Setu-Product-Instance-ID": product_instance_id,
        "Content-Type": "application/json",

    self.session = requests.Session()
    self.session.hooks = {"response": lambda r, *args, **kwargs: self.exception_handler(r)}

exception_handler(r) staticmethod

Exception handler.

Source code in setu/
def exception_handler(r: Response):
    """Exception handler."""
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        if isinstance(e, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) and r.reason == "Forbidden":
            raise e
            error_response_schema = SetuErrorResponseSchema()
            raise SetuAPIException(error_response_schema.load(r.json()))


Re-generate token.

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def regenerate_token(self):
    """Re-generate token."""
    if self.auth_type == AUTH_TYPE_JWT:
        authorization = generate_jwt_token(self.scheme_id, self.secret)
        authorization = generate_oauth_token(self.scheme_id, self.secret, self.mode)
    self.headers["Authorization"] = authorization


Endpoint module.

get_url_path(endpoint, auth_type='JWT', mode='SANDBOX')

Get URL for API.


Name Type Description Default
endpoint API


auth_type AuthType

description. Defaults to "JWT".

mode Mode

description. Defaults to "SANDBOX".



Type Description


Source code in setu/
def get_url_path(
    endpoint: API,
    auth_type: AuthType = "JWT",
    mode: Mode = "SANDBOX",
) -> str:
    """Get URL for API.

        endpoint (API): _description_
        auth_type (AuthType, optional): _description_. Defaults to "JWT".
        mode (Mode, optional): _description_. Defaults to "SANDBOX".

        str: _description_
    return "{base_url}{api_version}{path}".format(
        base_url=PRODUCTION_BASE if mode == MODE_PRODUCTION else SANDBOX_BASE,
        api_version="/v2" if auth_type == AUTH_TYPE_OAUTH else "",


Marshmallow serialization classes.

AccountSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Account Schema.

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class AccountSchema(Schema):
    """Account Schema."""

    account_number = fields.Str(data_key="id")
    account_ifsc = fields.Str(data_key="ifsc")
    name = fields.Str(required=False)

    def make_account(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to Account object."""
        return Account(**data)

make_account(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to Account object.

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def make_account(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to Account object."""
    return Account(**data)

AmountSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Amount Schema.

Source code in setu/
class AmountSchema(Schema):
    """Amount Schema."""

    currency_code = fields.Str(data_key="currencyCode")
    value = fields.Int()

    def make_amount(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to Amount object."""
        return Amount(**data)

make_amount(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to Amount object.

Source code in setu/
def make_amount(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to Amount object."""
    return Amount(**data)

BatchRefundResponseItemSchema (OneOfSchema) marshmallow-model

Batch Refund Response Data Item Schema.

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class BatchRefundResponseItemSchema(OneOfSchema):
    """Batch Refund Response Data Item Schema."""

    type_field = "success"
    type_schemas = {True: RefundResponseItemSchema, False: SetuErrorResponseDataSchema}

    seq_no = fields.Int(data_key="seqNo")
    success = fields.Bool()

CreatePaymentLinkResponseDataSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Create Payment Link Response Data Schema.

Source code in setu/
class CreatePaymentLinkResponseDataSchema(Schema):
    """Create Payment Link Response Data Schema."""

    name = fields.Str()
    payment_link = fields.Nested(PaymentLinkSchema(), data_key="paymentLink")
    platform_bill_id = fields.Str(data_key="platformBillID")
    campaign_id = fields.Str(data_key="campaignID")

    def make_create_payment_link_response(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to CreatePaymentLinkResponseData object."""
        return CreatePaymentLinkResponseData(**data)

Deserialize to CreatePaymentLinkResponseData object.

Source code in setu/
def make_create_payment_link_response(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to CreatePaymentLinkResponseData object."""
    return CreatePaymentLinkResponseData(**data)

DeductionResponseSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Deduction Response Schema.

Source code in setu/
class DeductionResponseSchema(Schema):
    """Deduction Response Schema."""

    account = fields.Nested(AccountSchema())
    split = fields.Nested(SplitDetailsSchema())

InitiateBatchRefundResponseDataSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Initiate Batch Refund Response Data Schema.

Source code in setu/
class InitiateBatchRefundResponseDataSchema(Schema):
    """Initiate Batch Refund Response Data Schema."""

    batch_id = fields.Str(data_key="batchID")
    refunds = fields.List(fields.Nested(BatchRefundResponseItemSchema(unknown=EXCLUDE)))

    def make_initiate_batch_refund_response_data(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to InitiateBatchRefundResponse object."""
        return InitiateBatchRefundResponse(**data)

make_initiate_batch_refund_response_data(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to InitiateBatchRefundResponse object.

Source code in setu/
def make_initiate_batch_refund_response_data(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to InitiateBatchRefundResponse object."""
    return InitiateBatchRefundResponse(**data)

MockCreditResponseDataSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Mock Credit Response Data Schema.

Source code in setu/
class MockCreditResponseDataSchema(Schema):
    """Mock Credit Response Data Schema."""

    utr = fields.Str()

    def make_mock_credit_response(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to MockCreditResponseData."""
        return MockCreditResponseData(**data)

make_mock_credit_response(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to MockCreditResponseData.

Source code in setu/
def make_mock_credit_response(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to MockCreditResponseData."""
    return MockCreditResponseData(**data)

PaymentLinkSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Payment Link information schema.

Source code in setu/
class PaymentLinkSchema(Schema):
    """Payment Link information schema."""

    short_url = fields.Str(data_key="shortURL", required=False)
    upi_id = fields.Str(data_key="upiID")
    upi_link = fields.Str(data_key="upiLink")

    def make_payment_link(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to PaymentLink object."""
        return PaymentLink(**data)

Deserialize to PaymentLink object.

Source code in setu/
def make_payment_link(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to PaymentLink object."""
    return PaymentLink(**data)

PaymentLinkStatusResponseDataSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Payment Link Status Response Data Schema.

Source code in setu/
class PaymentLinkStatusResponseDataSchema(Schema):
    """Payment Link Status Response Data Schema."""

    created_at = fields.DateTime(data_key="createdAt")
    expires_at = fields.DateTime(data_key="expiresAt")
    name = fields.Str()
    payment_link = fields.Nested(PaymentLinkSchema(), data_key="paymentLink")
    platform_bill_id = fields.Str(data_key="platformBillID")
    biller_bill_id = fields.Str(data_key="billerBillID")
    status = fields.Str()
    transaction_note = fields.Str(data_key="transactionNote")
    campaign_id = fields.Str(data_key="campaignID", required=False)
    payer_vpa = fields.Str(data_key="payerVpa", required=False)
    receipt = fields.Nested(ReceiptSchema(), required=False)
    amount_paid = fields.Nested(AmountSchema(), data_key="amountPaid", required=False)
    additional_info = fields.Dict(keys=fields.Str(), values=fields.Str(), data_key="additionalInfo", required=False)

    def make_payment_link_status_response(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to PaymentLinkStatusResponseData."""
        return PaymentLinkStatusResponseData(**data)

Deserialize to PaymentLinkStatusResponseData.

Source code in setu/
def make_payment_link_status_response(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to PaymentLinkStatusResponseData."""
    return PaymentLinkStatusResponseData(**data)

ReceiptSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Receipt Schema.

Source code in setu/
class ReceiptSchema(Schema):
    """Receipt Schema."""

    date = fields.DateTime()
    id = fields.Str()

    def make_receipt(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to Receipt object."""
        return Receipt(**data)

make_receipt(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to Receipt object.

Source code in setu/
def make_receipt(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to Receipt object."""
    return Receipt(**data)

RefundResponseItemSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Refund Response Item Schema.

Source code in setu/
class RefundResponseItemSchema(Schema):
    """Refund Response Item Schema."""

    id = fields.Str()
    bill_id = fields.Str(data_key="billID")
    transaction_ref_id = fields.Str(data_key="transactionRefID")
    amount = fields.Nested(AmountSchema())
    status = fields.Str()
    type = fields.Str()
    deductions = fields.List(fields.Nested(DeductionResponseSchema()), required=False)
    created_at = fields.DateTime(data_key="createdAt")
    initiated_at = fields.DateTime(data_key="initiatedAt", required=False)

    def make_refund_response_item(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to RefundResponseItem object."""
        return RefundResponseItem(**data)

make_refund_response_item(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to RefundResponseItem object.

Source code in setu/
def make_refund_response_item(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to RefundResponseItem object."""
    return RefundResponseItem(**data)

RefundStatusByIdentifierResponseSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Get Refund Status By Identifier Response Data Schema.

Source code in setu/
class RefundStatusByIdentifierResponseSchema(Schema):
    """Get Refund Status By Identifier Response Data Schema."""

    refunds = fields.List(fields.Nested(RefundResponseItemSchema()))

    def make_batch_refund_response(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse object."""
        return RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse(**data)

make_batch_refund_response(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse object.

Source code in setu/
def make_batch_refund_response(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse object."""
    return RefundStatusByIdentifierResponse(**data)

SetuErrorResponseDataSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Setu Error Response Data Schema.

Source code in setu/
class SetuErrorResponseDataSchema(Schema):
    """Setu Error Response Data Schema."""

    code = fields.Str()
    detail = fields.Str()
    title = fields.Str()
    doc_url = fields.Str(data_key="docURL", required=False)
    errors = fields.List(fields.Str(), required=False)
    trace_id = fields.Str(data_key="traceID", required=False)

    def make_error_response_data(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to SetuErrorResponseData object."""
        return SetuErrorResponseData(**data)

make_error_response_data(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to SetuErrorResponseData object.

Source code in setu/
def make_error_response_data(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to SetuErrorResponseData object."""
    return SetuErrorResponseData(**data)

SetuErrorResponseSchema (SetuResponseBaseSchema) marshmallow-model

Setu Error Response Schema.

Source code in setu/
class SetuErrorResponseSchema(SetuResponseBaseSchema):
    """Setu Error Response Schema."""

    error_response = fields.Nested(SetuErrorResponseDataSchema(), data_key="error")

    def make_error_response(self, data, **kwargs):
        """Deserialize to SetuErrorResponseData object."""
        return data["error_response"]

make_error_response(self, data, **kwargs)

Deserialize to SetuErrorResponseData object.

Source code in setu/
def make_error_response(self, data, **kwargs):
    """Deserialize to SetuErrorResponseData object."""
    return data["error_response"]

SetuResponseBaseSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Setu Base Response Schema.

Source code in setu/
class SetuResponseBaseSchema(Schema):
    """Setu Base Response Schema."""

    status = fields.Int()
    success = fields.Bool()

SplitDetailsSchema (Schema) marshmallow-model

Split Details Schema.

Source code in setu/
class SplitDetailsSchema(Schema):
    """Split Details Schema."""

    value = fields.Int()
    unit = fields.Str()